Monday, December 29, 2008
Obama the Magic Honky
Here (in reference to the Obama the Magic Negro song) is a good example of the goofiness that goes on in this world. Read the story below titled "Ethnic Bias". Why get offended at the term Negro? Doesn't this just mean black? It sure as heck wouldn't bother me to be called white, honky, yankee, etc. Call me what you want as long as it isn't "late for lunch". Where was the big outrage when Palin was called the "white trash" vote? She sure received my vote. I guess that makes me "white trash". Oh, well. Now with this goofy, Obama being the first African American president stuff. Please do your research before thinking this. He is not the first with black blood. Nobody knows for sure that answer. Some say Andy Jackson among many others did. In addition, Obama isn't a whole lot blacker than me. Oh, he may have some black blood in him, but he sure wasn't raised black. He says he is "by racial". How stupid, aren't most of us "by racial"? How, may I ask, is this election so "historic"? People act like he is the Messiah. Sorry, but He was already born over 2000 years ago. Am I against blacks? Not at all, I would have voted for a black woman in Condalisa, Condoleeza (however she spells it) Rice. I would have voted for a black man in Clarence Thomas. The truth is, the liberal media likes to portray us conservatives, hunters, gun owners, Christians, etc. as the scum of the earth. I for one, will not stand for it any longer. I hope you won't either.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Personal Responsibility
Well, here we go again, another administration that is going to fix things by spending more money. I've been studying Obamas "Economic fix" lately. I do try to keep my mind somewhat open (but not too open because then my brains might fall out) but so far I see nothing different. The fix seems to be another round of spend, spend, spend to fix I problem that came from spending, spending, spending. My friends, when are we going to start taking responsibility for our actions? How can this big government that we have let take control expect the people to act responsibly when they don't act responsibly? When is the last time our government has had a balanced budget and even better, a balanced budget that includes paying off some debt? What is wrong with letting some banks go under? What is wrong with letting some automakers go under? What is wrong with letting some airlines go under? What is wrong with letting some people loss their ultra fancy homes? Maybe people will learn something. Government, please save us! We aren't smart enough to rule our own lives! How ridiculous. Yes, I'm sorry if you lost your home, job, whatever. But truthfully, if you did, and you are suffering terribly, it is likely it was because of poor planning and financial irresponsibility. I know, because I've been there. I've been financially irresponsible before. I'm happy to say that I took the lessons and learned from them. I now haven't had debt for over a year. Hard times are not bad for you if you have the smarts to learn from them. Yes, letting the banks fail, automakers fail, airlines fail, people fail, etc. would cause some hard times. So what. In the end it would be better for all. We have let America become a nation of wimps and become the governments subjects. Ever since the Civil War (it was NOT all about slavery as terrible as slavery was, slavery was only one issue and Grant himself had slaves until the end of the war) we have let the government grow larger and larger and "We the People" have become smaller and smaller. My solution: let the chips fall where they may, let people learn from mistakes, let management of banks and large companies learn how to manage responsibly, let government reduce in size, and let private be private as opposed to government controlled and bailed out. Private industry made the country great, not government control. If you just let things be, it will all work out for the better. All our government plans to fix things are only patches. It will all fall further next time. Ben Franklin said something to the effect that we need a revolution every 200 years because all governments become corrupt within that amount of time. Revolution means to turn completely around or a complete change, so lets do that. If we don't fix what we have soon, it will be much worse later. 'Till next time........
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Ethnic Bias?
Ethnic bias would be a good definition for racism according to Websters New World Dictionary. Being that this is the case, I've come to the conclusion that the white race may suffer from more racism than any other race in the world right now. Even worse would be a white, Christian, heterosexual male of which I am. Ok, before you label me a KKK or Aryan Nation member, let me be clear that I'm not. The fact is, I think most of those people are a despicable people that are deceived in a horrible way. Most don't even know what they are talking about. They misquote scriptures to suite their agenda and aren't any better than the Taliban. I will also add that in my family there are blacks, orientals, whites, Jews, and Indians. In fact, my kids are 1/4 Indian (India). My family also contains a multitude of religious groups. I happen to love my family very much. That being said, I will continue. If a white person injures a person of a different race, why is it immediately labeled racially motivated or a "hate crime" but not when the opposite happens? Don't believe me, research it. Have you ever heard of a company being required or given incentives to hire a certain percentage of whites? Didn't think so. Have you ever heard of whites getting special hunting privileges? Didn't think so. I guarantee you that I live off the land more than 99% of native Americans. In this day and age, at times I'm made to feel that I should apologize for having white skin. Isn't this racism? In many other countries and even in some of our cities, to walk down a city street by yourself and to have white skin is a bad combination. Am I asking for special privileges? Not in any way. I happen to be very proud of what and who I am and teach my kids to be the same. Are you black? Well than show me that you are proud to be so and have enough self respect to not think that you need more special privileges than others. Are you native American? Than be proud and don't ask for special treatment and a special name. If we are all created equally, than lets see some equality. I personally would be ashamed if special privileges were given to me because of my skin color, religion, or whatever. Now we are starting to hear about "gay rights" as if they should have more rights than the rest of us. Kind of like criminals now having more rights than the rest of us. What is next? Will we soon have rapist rights or even child molester rights? Will we come to the stupid conclusion that they can't help it so they somehow deserve some special rights rather than face the consequences that they deserve? Let us strive to make sure this doesn't happen.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Thought this was funny

Yesterday on my way to lunch at the Outback, I passed one of the homeless guys in that area, with a sign that read 'Vote Obama, I need the money.' Once in Outback's my waiter had on an 'Obama 08' tee shirt.When the bill came, I decided not to tip the waiter and explained to him while he had given me exceptional service, that his tee shirt made me feel he obviously believes in Senator Obama's plan to redistribute the wealth. I told him I was going to redistribute his tip to someone that I deemed more in need--the homeless guy outside. He stood there in disbelief and angrily stormed away.I went outside, gave the homeless guy $3 and told him to thank the waiter inside, as I had decided he could use the money more. The homeless guy looked at me in disbelief.As I got in my truck, I realized this rather unscientific redistribution experiment had left the homeless guy quite happy for the money he did not earn, but the waiter was ticked that I gave away the money he did earn.Well, I guess this redistribution of wealth is going to take a while to catch on, at least with those doing the work.
"Our republic will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not."
-Thomas Jefferson
The Powers That Be
Lately I've been doing some research on a subject that I think is greatly misunderstood. As a Christian man I always try to conduct my life in a manner pleasing to God. Unfortunately, doing so subjects a person to various forms of deception out there in the world. A great way to silence a man dedicated to living a certain lifestyle is to convince him that his way of life FORCES him to blindly follow certain doctrines without question. This is called deception. Now, having spent some time in the Christian lifestyle and always endeavoring to do what is right in Gods eyes, I've spent alot of time studying His word and specifically asking Him WHY on various subjects in life that are dear to me. I've spent alot of time with lots of different doctrines of man and denominations of man in this country and even in another country. The Bible says, "Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is." So if He tells us to understand what His will is, than I believe it is a very doable thing. We need to study and find out what it is. I once had a disagreement with a minister whom I was "under". He then said I wasn't submitted to him. I then asked him if disagreeing with him makes me unsubmitted. In a roundabout way he said yes. At that point I decided that I would not subject myself to his "rule" much longer. Yes, I've been accused a number of times of being "rebellious" but that's ok, I don't mind. I've studied rebellion to my satisfaction too. So on to my subject for today............
When is it ok to be disobedient? The Bible says that wives are to submit to husbands. So is this an always, no questions asked obedience? The Bible says that we are to submit to the Governing authorities. Is this an always, no questions asked obedience? The Bible says to submit to our elders in the church. Is this also an always, no questions asked obedience? Not according to Gods word. If this were the case, He contradicted himself many times. In the book of Exodus, Moses was very disobedient to the Egyptian government, even to the point of the Israelites plundering their masters when they left. When Pharaoh gave the command to kill all of the male newborns of the Hebrews, the midwives disobeyed and lied to Pharaoh. For this, God rewarded the midwives. When David was being pursued by Saul, he certainly wasn't being obedient and in fact called Saul a bloodthirsty, evildoer, and a wicked traitor (Psalm 59). Another example of Davids disobedience includes when he and his men ate the show bread and Jesus later endorsed it(Matt. 12:4). In 1 Sam. 25 we have an example of wife disobedience (and God blessing it) when Abigail the wife of Nabal was disobedient to her husband and even called him a fool (which his name means) when he insulted David and his men. The best example of all of disobedience is Jesus himself. He was very disobedient to the Israel leaders and even insulted Herod himself by calling him a fox which the amplified Bible says means sly, crafty, skulking, and cowardly.
".....Obama is prepared to really take power and begin to rule from day one."
It is currently illegal in England to defend yourself against aggressive attack. Is this something you should be obedient to if you live there? Your husband tells you that you must drive him to his meeting spot with a known drug dealer. Do you do it? Your pastor tells you that you cannot teach at the Bible study the church next door is having. Must you obey? There has been a natural disaster in your area and people are looting all the houses, raping the lone women, killing all resistors, and the governing officials decide that they are going to confiscate all weapons to make the area "safer" and to "reduce" crime (this happened after Katrina). Do you obey and turn your weapons in? Your husband takes your check from work that you were going to buy groceries for you kids with and uses it to support his gambling habit. Do you submit? Your pastor starts to become very nosey in your private life telling you what you can or can't buy, who you can or can't see, what you can or can't do. Must you put up with this?
If you truly study Gods word, you will find that he is for human rights and liberties and the needs of man always come before rules of man. Wives, your job is a helpmate to your husband, not a slave. Your job is to protect your kids at all costs, even nature teaches us that. Husbands jobs are to lead, protect, and nurture their wife and kids at all costs. If your not willing to give your life for them, your not doing your job. A governments job is to lead, protect, and nurture the public in their jurisdiction, not rule and reign as slave masters. A ministers job is the same. The very name minister means servant. When a governing authority goes against their job description and does or endorses things against Gods word, that governing authority loses its mandate from God. It is our job as the people to see that this doesn't happen and to use all possible means to stop it. Obviously, this first of all means doing all you can legislatively and financially, but it also means you are justified if it comes to other more "rebellious" ways. Whether this just means public outcry or more direct civil disobedient ways if needed. But most importantly, PRAY as the word of God says in 1 Tim. 2:1-3. I know people don't like to think this way and will brand you with all sorts of nasties if you talk about it, but as history shows, sometimes it is needed, although to be avoided if at all possible. Most people will agree that this country was established by God and the miraculous things that happened prove this out, but few really know much about the circumstances that brought about this country into being. Rest assured, if those same people that brand you as "rebels" today were alive back then, they would have not have been willing to side with the "rebels" back then either. They sure enjoy the fruits of it today though. To be blunt, freedom isn't free.
Our president elect has appointed some very blatant anti-freedom people to his staff and certainly we must expose them. John Podesta is Obamas transition chief. He has headed the Center for American Progress (CAP) for the last 4 years which was created and bankrolled by billionaire globalist George Soros. Among their main missions has been to collectivize commercial radio by cancelling broadcast licenses and redistributing them to "progressive" local interests. This in effect can kill Christian broadcasts, conservative broadcasts, and other broadcasts that don't endorse their agenda. Is this communist or what? Podesta is quoted in an Associated Press article as saying, "There's a lot that the President can do using his executive authority without waiting for congressional action....". Perhaps the scariest statement to come from the Obamanable staff is from Valerie Jarrett, co-chair of the Obama transition team: ".....Obama is prepared to really take power and begin to rule from day one." Rule? If memory serves me correct, the last person to rule Americans was King George III.
When is it ok to be disobedient? The Bible says that wives are to submit to husbands. So is this an always, no questions asked obedience? The Bible says that we are to submit to the Governing authorities. Is this an always, no questions asked obedience? The Bible says to submit to our elders in the church. Is this also an always, no questions asked obedience? Not according to Gods word. If this were the case, He contradicted himself many times. In the book of Exodus, Moses was very disobedient to the Egyptian government, even to the point of the Israelites plundering their masters when they left. When Pharaoh gave the command to kill all of the male newborns of the Hebrews, the midwives disobeyed and lied to Pharaoh. For this, God rewarded the midwives. When David was being pursued by Saul, he certainly wasn't being obedient and in fact called Saul a bloodthirsty, evildoer, and a wicked traitor (Psalm 59). Another example of Davids disobedience includes when he and his men ate the show bread and Jesus later endorsed it(Matt. 12:4). In 1 Sam. 25 we have an example of wife disobedience (and God blessing it) when Abigail the wife of Nabal was disobedient to her husband and even called him a fool (which his name means) when he insulted David and his men. The best example of all of disobedience is Jesus himself. He was very disobedient to the Israel leaders and even insulted Herod himself by calling him a fox which the amplified Bible says means sly, crafty, skulking, and cowardly.
".....Obama is prepared to really take power and begin to rule from day one."
It is currently illegal in England to defend yourself against aggressive attack. Is this something you should be obedient to if you live there? Your husband tells you that you must drive him to his meeting spot with a known drug dealer. Do you do it? Your pastor tells you that you cannot teach at the Bible study the church next door is having. Must you obey? There has been a natural disaster in your area and people are looting all the houses, raping the lone women, killing all resistors, and the governing officials decide that they are going to confiscate all weapons to make the area "safer" and to "reduce" crime (this happened after Katrina). Do you obey and turn your weapons in? Your husband takes your check from work that you were going to buy groceries for you kids with and uses it to support his gambling habit. Do you submit? Your pastor starts to become very nosey in your private life telling you what you can or can't buy, who you can or can't see, what you can or can't do. Must you put up with this?
If you truly study Gods word, you will find that he is for human rights and liberties and the needs of man always come before rules of man. Wives, your job is a helpmate to your husband, not a slave. Your job is to protect your kids at all costs, even nature teaches us that. Husbands jobs are to lead, protect, and nurture their wife and kids at all costs. If your not willing to give your life for them, your not doing your job. A governments job is to lead, protect, and nurture the public in their jurisdiction, not rule and reign as slave masters. A ministers job is the same. The very name minister means servant. When a governing authority goes against their job description and does or endorses things against Gods word, that governing authority loses its mandate from God. It is our job as the people to see that this doesn't happen and to use all possible means to stop it. Obviously, this first of all means doing all you can legislatively and financially, but it also means you are justified if it comes to other more "rebellious" ways. Whether this just means public outcry or more direct civil disobedient ways if needed. But most importantly, PRAY as the word of God says in 1 Tim. 2:1-3. I know people don't like to think this way and will brand you with all sorts of nasties if you talk about it, but as history shows, sometimes it is needed, although to be avoided if at all possible. Most people will agree that this country was established by God and the miraculous things that happened prove this out, but few really know much about the circumstances that brought about this country into being. Rest assured, if those same people that brand you as "rebels" today were alive back then, they would have not have been willing to side with the "rebels" back then either. They sure enjoy the fruits of it today though. To be blunt, freedom isn't free.
Our president elect has appointed some very blatant anti-freedom people to his staff and certainly we must expose them. John Podesta is Obamas transition chief. He has headed the Center for American Progress (CAP) for the last 4 years which was created and bankrolled by billionaire globalist George Soros. Among their main missions has been to collectivize commercial radio by cancelling broadcast licenses and redistributing them to "progressive" local interests. This in effect can kill Christian broadcasts, conservative broadcasts, and other broadcasts that don't endorse their agenda. Is this communist or what? Podesta is quoted in an Associated Press article as saying, "There's a lot that the President can do using his executive authority without waiting for congressional action....". Perhaps the scariest statement to come from the Obamanable staff is from Valerie Jarrett, co-chair of the Obama transition team: ".....Obama is prepared to really take power and begin to rule from day one." Rule? If memory serves me correct, the last person to rule Americans was King George III.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Websters New World dictionary defines abominable as "Disgusting, vile, a very bad thing" so I have taken the liberty to label the coming administration as the "Obamanable" administration. I have really struggled with the "Why" in how we as a country elected this man. I mean, here we have a man that for around 20 years patronized a church pastored by the "Reverend" Jeremiah Wright. It doesn't take much research to find out what the "Reverend" Jeremiah Wright stands for. He is a blatant racist and a hypocrite. Well, if somebody willing stays under the leadership of somebody for 20 years, he must somewhat agree with him. Just this fact alone makes me wonder WHY the Obamanable would be elected. The Obamanable has shown himself to be a very untrustworthy, dishonorable, and dishonest person. He is a friend until it gets him in trouble. As long as the friendship benefits himself, he is fine with it. As soon as it starts to cost him something, he backs off. The Blagojevich incident is another fine example. The Obamanable totally innocent in this situation? Oh come on! The guy is also a blatant socialist. Even my kids picked up on this during his campaign. They just recently studied on communism in there school work. I do have to wonder if the Obamanable is going to redistribute HIS wealth to the poor. Now, let me state that I really wasn't any fan of McCain because he really wasn't what he liked to portray himself to be. But Palin, there was a person I could back. Finally we had a chance to get somebody into office that wasn't a carreer politician. Here was somebody that actually stood for the people. I have never seen anybody make such a stir among the liberals. They were obviously scared. You can always judge a person by there enemies. Lets just hope she gets the opportunity to run again.
Friday, December 12, 2008

Why. Why is a good question, we really should know why. I often ask myself why. Why do I do what I do? Why do I believe what I believe? Why am I doing this blog? If I ask myself why and I don't know why, I try to find out. Sometimes that can take a while, but I always try to make a good effort to answer the question to my satisfaction. One thing I don't understand about some people is that they believe something or do something and they really don't know why they are doing it or believing it. It is always stupid to blindly follow somebody or a belief system without questioning why. This is applicable to all aspects of your life. Most people are afraid to voice their opinion if others don't stand with them. They blindly follow so called "leaders" letting them make all the important decisions in their lives. People let their minds be formed and shaped into what others want. In this "age of the wimp" people are afraid to stand up in opposition to what is wrong. If this were not the case, we would not have murders, robberies, rapes, and other assaults from the criminal sort happening in broad view of others. It is every humans duty to face evil and tell it no. It is every countries duty to face evil and tell it no. Evil will never be overcome by running or hiding from it. Do you really think that if we just leave terrorists alone they will not attack us? Do you really think that if we just leave robbers, murderers, rapists, and other criminals alone they will leave us alone? Is their a criminal breaking into your house? Problem easily taken care of if we are willing to face it with all the force necessary. Pirates near Somolia? Problem easily taken care of. Face it with force. This simple concept works with your personal life, you country, and your spiritual life. We all have the right to face evil with force. Lets stand up and face it. More later............
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