Saturday, December 27, 2008

Ethnic Bias?

Ethnic bias would be a good definition for racism according to Websters New World Dictionary. Being that this is the case, I've come to the conclusion that the white race may suffer from more racism than any other race in the world right now. Even worse would be a white, Christian, heterosexual male of which I am. Ok, before you label me a KKK or Aryan Nation member, let me be clear that I'm not. The fact is, I think most of those people are a despicable people that are deceived in a horrible way. Most don't even know what they are talking about. They misquote scriptures to suite their agenda and aren't any better than the Taliban. I will also add that in my family there are blacks, orientals, whites, Jews, and Indians. In fact, my kids are 1/4 Indian (India). My family also contains a multitude of religious groups. I happen to love my family very much. That being said, I will continue. If a white person injures a person of a different race, why is it immediately labeled racially motivated or a "hate crime" but not when the opposite happens? Don't believe me, research it. Have you ever heard of a company being required or given incentives to hire a certain percentage of whites? Didn't think so. Have you ever heard of whites getting special hunting privileges? Didn't think so. I guarantee you that I live off the land more than 99% of native Americans. In this day and age, at times I'm made to feel that I should apologize for having white skin. Isn't this racism? In many other countries and even in some of our cities, to walk down a city street by yourself and to have white skin is a bad combination. Am I asking for special privileges? Not in any way. I happen to be very proud of what and who I am and teach my kids to be the same. Are you black? Well than show me that you are proud to be so and have enough self respect to not think that you need more special privileges than others. Are you native American? Than be proud and don't ask for special treatment and a special name. If we are all created equally, than lets see some equality. I personally would be ashamed if special privileges were given to me because of my skin color, religion, or whatever. Now we are starting to hear about "gay rights" as if they should have more rights than the rest of us. Kind of like criminals now having more rights than the rest of us. What is next? Will we soon have rapist rights or even child molester rights? Will we come to the stupid conclusion that they can't help it so they somehow deserve some special rights rather than face the consequences that they deserve? Let us strive to make sure this doesn't happen.


  1. Heyyyy! I am just curious if you have other Jewish people in your family or if we are pretty much it? Your family is a LOT more diverse than mine. That is pretty terrific. :)

  2. As far as I know, your the only one. Knowing something of the history of our family though, you may not be. Happy to have you!

  3. I just figured out how to "subscribe" to the comments so I can get replies emailed to me.

    This blogspot thing is actually pretty neat. The only thing it doesn't seem to have that Livejournal does have is the ability to "lock" posts so that only some people can see them. I lock some of my posts and other ones I leave public.

    Anyway, it is really fun following all of your blogs. I am glad you've all joined the blogosphere!

  4. She's not the only one! :)

  5. Man, do I feel silly now! ;-} I was also recently informed of latino blood too.
