Sunday, December 28, 2008

Personal Responsibility

Well, here we go again, another administration that is going to fix things by spending more money. I've been studying Obamas "Economic fix" lately. I do try to keep my mind somewhat open (but not too open because then my brains might fall out) but so far I see nothing different. The fix seems to be another round of spend, spend, spend to fix I problem that came from spending, spending, spending. My friends, when are we going to start taking responsibility for our actions? How can this big government that we have let take control expect the people to act responsibly when they don't act responsibly? When is the last time our government has had a balanced budget and even better, a balanced budget that includes paying off some debt? What is wrong with letting some banks go under? What is wrong with letting some automakers go under? What is wrong with letting some airlines go under? What is wrong with letting some people loss their ultra fancy homes? Maybe people will learn something. Government, please save us! We aren't smart enough to rule our own lives! How ridiculous. Yes, I'm sorry if you lost your home, job, whatever. But truthfully, if you did, and you are suffering terribly, it is likely it was because of poor planning and financial irresponsibility. I know, because I've been there. I've been financially irresponsible before. I'm happy to say that I took the lessons and learned from them. I now haven't had debt for over a year. Hard times are not bad for you if you have the smarts to learn from them. Yes, letting the banks fail, automakers fail, airlines fail, people fail, etc. would cause some hard times. So what. In the end it would be better for all. We have let America become a nation of wimps and become the governments subjects. Ever since the Civil War (it was NOT all about slavery as terrible as slavery was, slavery was only one issue and Grant himself had slaves until the end of the war) we have let the government grow larger and larger and "We the People" have become smaller and smaller. My solution: let the chips fall where they may, let people learn from mistakes, let management of banks and large companies learn how to manage responsibly, let government reduce in size, and let private be private as opposed to government controlled and bailed out. Private industry made the country great, not government control. If you just let things be, it will all work out for the better. All our government plans to fix things are only patches. It will all fall further next time. Ben Franklin said something to the effect that we need a revolution every 200 years because all governments become corrupt within that amount of time. Revolution means to turn completely around or a complete change, so lets do that. If we don't fix what we have soon, it will be much worse later. 'Till next time........


  1. wow thats a very interesting perspective. I don't think i've heard anyone in the news talk like that. You're a smart man.

  2. hmmmm i just read midwest voting mom's blog and she has this reference

    it is similar to what you said
