Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Mass. Senate Race

I never imagined that I would be very concerned about who was senator in the state of Massachusetts living clear over here in Montana, but the result sure was a relief to me! According to Yahoo News, Scott Brown has defeated Martha Coakley for the special election held to decide who replaces Kennedy. What a significant election this was. There has not been a Republican senator in Mass. since 1972! Only 12% of register voters in Mass. are Republicans! I believe this really says something about what Americans think about Obamacare and other ridiculous ideas of our President. Not that I think Republicans are so great, but our Government, (especially the current administration) has gotten a long ways away from doing what the people want them to do. For too long they have been pushing their own agendas without giving a hoot about the people. My hope is that this was a wake up call. That could be just a pipe dream, but I'll continue to hope that this country doesn't self destruct. It isn't rule by Republican or Democrat that I desire, it is rule by the people that I desire again for this country.

Above: Do you think that Obamacare would help Uncle Bobs teeth?


  1. My family was very relieved by the outcome too. Hmm...I don't know about his teeth but I like his hat! I almost got one at Walmart for three bucks but I bought a t-shirt instead.

  2. Hey, really? I bought that hat at walmart for 50 cents!

  3. I'm with you babe! Thank God this country has hope!

  4. Surprise! There is a blog award awaiting you on my blog!

  5. Well, he is a Republican, but an east coast New England type. He voted for universal health care in Mass as a politician there, and is willing to vote for health as a Senator, just not this bill.
    So, yeah, it is great he won, but let's not get too excited. He is not a conservative, but a moderate. He has stated that he is pro-choice as well.
    I do agree that this is a wake up call to Obama and the democrats, but not a good wake up call. They will just be sneaky and say whatever they have to to get re-elected. Basically, it gives them a few months to change what they are saying for the 2010 elections.
    But that is just my somewhat cynical outlook.
    I would love rule by the people, but right now the people are being ruled.

  6. Agreed Jacob, but my main point was that this was a pretty significant change for Massachusetts. In my opinion for a Republican of any sort (even if it would have been one like McCain) to replace Kennedy is a pretty impressive change. Most change doesn't happen all at once, it takes time. Like I said in the post, I don't much care for the Republican party either, but in reality, we have to start somewhere. I agree with Ben Franklin when he said that we need a revolution every 200 years, but I sure wouldn't want to have to be a part of one. The fault really lies square on our shoulders as Christians. In the past so many were not willing to get involved with politics. If we all voted with Biblical convictions, we would be in the boat in the first place. I do believe that if all Christians did there part in prayer and involvement, we could have a peaceful revolution. Otherwise, it is only a matter of time before major chaos happens. Not something we should leave our kids to deal with.
