Tuesday, July 7, 2009

So What Comes Next?

I'm going to step aside from my normal political subjects for this post and voice what I think is in store for us in the not too distant future. We are living in very turbulent times and I won't pretend to know all about what is ahead but will give some practical advice for dealing with what I personally think is in store for us. I'm not a rash, over reactive person. I didn't store up one little thing for Y2K and I don't think the Mayans knew anything about the end of the world. I think they had too much to be concerned about with there own survival to worry about what happens in 2012. Why would they worry about 2012 when they weren't even going to come close to making it that far? So lets not talk silly stuff.

Ok, this economic situation shows no sign of turning around anytime soon and we have a government that encourages us to continue doing the some things that got us into trouble in the first place. In fact, they are running thier finances far worse than the average working person did before all this happened. How can doing this fix it? It can't, period, end of story. So it is time to start taking some action to get us through this. Besides the obvious of praying and getting Gods wisdom, number one is getting out of debt as much as possible. If this isn't possible, reduce it as much as you can. New cars are not worth it, new furniture is not worth it, and even worse, toys of various sorts are not worth it. It is NOT a time to spend freely. Yes, if you have money, great deals can be found and some people will get rich by wise investments during this time. The key though is this, they have the money to do so. Don't buy into the garbage that if everybody spends money they don't have, the economy will get better. That is garbage. I have now lived relatively debt free (the last baby isn't paid off yet) for over a year and a half and it is one of the most freeing things there is in this natural world.

It is time to lay up some stock of necessary items. I have never really done this before because I don't live in fear. If I have extra I often give it away. That is an important princible that I live by. I'm not saying let up on your giving, but also prepare a bit to help take care of your family. If this cap and trade silliness goes through, basic things could get very expensive. Fuel will go up, food will go up, most things will go up in price. Even if it doesn't go through, inflation is bound to hit us soon enough. My electricity has gone up greatly in the past year. My bill is higher than it has ever been here while my electric use has been lower than ever before at this place. A good food stock is always a good idea. Whatever you use for heat it is good to lay up some extra if possible. Also look into alternative forms. I personally use wood but I know that isn't possible for everybody. I will also start looking into alternative forms of electricity. Extra fuel for your car is good although it doesn't store very good for very long. Probably most important, especially if you live in the city, is get some water in storage. You can't live very long if you can't get water. Do some studying on people living in the great depression. It can happen again here.

I'm not a doom and gloom person and I definitely don't think that God is done with America. But so many times we as Americans seem to think that what other people in the world deal with can't happen here. We have become so prideful that we set ourselves up for a fall. God made this country and made it great. He is not done. We are a protector of Israel and we send forth the Gospel to all over the world. That is our purpose and it has not all been fulfilled. It isn't time to be scared, just wise. Gardens, a means to get some meat, some water, heat, food storage, and personal protection are wise investments for these times we are in.

Remember, it isn't paranoia if there is a real possibility of it happening.


  1. I still think you should stock up on something other than sprouts!!!

  2. I aggree it is wise to have a moderate supply of needed goods. I enjoy storing up food and supplies for the winter. I thinks its an inborn trait. Its something even the animals and bugs do! Food and supplies are not always readily available. These things are practical wisdom. Certianly with the way that the economy is going we should all take this advice. Thank you Toytrkman :-)

  3. I'm with you.

    It's scary to think we might go through a time of great lack, but it's wise to prepare ourselves, both in terms of stocking up materials we need and also skills (like learning to live off the land, live with less, garden, etc.)

    After reading your post, I'm thinking of doing some more canning this fall--maybe put up lots of garden produce the neighbors share with us.
